
Do you have a talent for crafting a message, selling an idea, or telling an interesting story? 一个的 Bachelor of Arts 通讯与媒体艺术专业 cultivates professional and personal communications skills in a supportive, student-focused环境. In addition to studying the traditional communications disciplines, 比如市场营销, 公共关系, 全球通信, 新闻, 商务沟通, you will develop highly marketable skills in digital 媒体 production — so you’ll be prepared to engage 21st-century audiences through multiple 媒体 platforms.

全球网络赌博平台传播系学生Jack Allsopp说

当我发现全球网络赌博平台时, 我觉得学校的规模非常适合我...我也被全球网络赌博平台的全球教育项目所吸引. Spending a semester in Morocco was one of the best decisions I have ever made.


为什么你的B是UNE.A. 通讯与媒体艺术专业

位于我们的海滨比德福德校区, 一个田园诗般的本科学习环境, the 传播与媒体艺术 major offers small class sizes and close working relationships with peers and faculty. 我们强调技能的实际应用, 通过实践和创造获得, 这将使你在同行业中脱颖而出.

  • Focus on digital 媒体 production/媒体 writing and marketing/advertising
  • Hands-on training with the latest tools and technologies of the field
  • 广泛覆盖经典传播学科
  • Introduction to the history and ethics of the communications industry
  • Intriguing internships to polish your skills – and your resume


In addition to the oral and 写 communication skills that are the cornerstone of this major, you will acquire 技术 mastery of the tools of the trade and an ability to think critically as you explore the different perspectives of your audiences. 结合你的实习经历, these skill sets will help you become an expert storyteller and will fully prepare you for a highly successful career in the communications field.

Our graduates have pursued many fulfilling professions, including:

  • 导演
  • 公共关系专业
  • 博主
  • 记者
  • 电视录像制作人
  • 市场营销专业
  • 视频编辑器
  • 电视演播室经理
  • 编剧

B的职业建议.A. 传播与媒体艺术系学生

Whether you have a specific career goal in mind or a vague idea of the field that interests you, 职业建议 是来帮你计划下一步的吗.



of 大学生就业 or 在持续的高等教育中 毕业后一年内


在缅因州 找工作

Zippia 2023


One of the most important considerations when committing to a college or university is cost. We work with you and your family to help make your education affordable by pricing our tuition competitively and offering financial assistance.



你要学什么?? 传播与媒体艺术学位课程概述

B.A. 通讯及媒体艺术课程

The following are some examples of the exciting courses that you can take in the 传播与媒体艺术 major:

  • 了解大众传媒
  • 数字视频制作
  • 通信法律法规
  • 市场营销
  • 为银幕写作
  • 全球通信
  • 数字叙事的主题


CAS核心要求 学分
总计 42–46
基础必修课程 学分
LIL 120 – Introductory Arts and Humanities Seminar* or open elective 3
cmm110 -通信入门 3
cmm122 -口头交流 or SPC 100 -有效的公共演讲 3
cmm210 -了解媒体 3
艺术230 -图形设计 3
总计 15
高级必修课程 学分
跨文化交际 or cmm416 -全球通信 3
cmm430 -传播学实习 3
LIL 420 -艺术 & 人文学科的顶点 3
总计 9
需要跟踪 学分
选择一个(1)传播和媒体艺术方向 12
必修课 学分
三(3)A类选修课学分 3
从列表A或列表B中获得六(6)学分的选修课 6
总计 9
公开选修课(需修满120学分) 变量
最低要求总学分 120

*LIL 120 - Introductory Arts and Humanities Seminar is a required course for new, 艺术与人文学院的一年级学生


从下列选项中选择三(3)项 学分
cmm215 -视频现场制作 orcmm216 -体育领域的生产 3
cmm310 - DV工作室I 3
cmm311 -数字视频制作 3
cmm410 -为屏幕写作 3
总计 9
从下列选项中选择一项 学分
cmm216 -体育领域的生产 3
cmm290 -广播媒体写作入门 3
cmm310 - DV工作室I 3
cmm405 - DV工作室II 3
总计 3
从下列选项中选择三(3)项 学分
CMM 300 -纪录片视频 3
cmm310 - DV工作室I 3
cmm311 -数字视频制作 3
cmm410 -为屏幕写作 3
总计 9
从下列选项中选择一项 学分
cmm216 -体育领域的生产 3
cmm290 -广播媒体写作入门 3
cmm310 - DV工作室I 3
cmm405 - DV工作室II 3
总计 3
从下列选项中选择三(3)项 学分
WRT 233 -专业技术交流 or cmm220 -组织沟通 3
CMM 211 -新闻学导论 3
cmm290 -广播媒体写作入门 3
cmm305 -数字时代的公共关系 3
总计 9
从下列选项中选择一项 学分
BUMK 200 -市场营销 3
SRM 325 -体育和娱乐营销 3
cmm410 -为屏幕写作 3
CMM 415 -体育报道和写作 3
总计 3


列出A -选修课 学分
cmm130 -媒体素养 3
cmm135 -电视的演变 3
cmm170 -纪录片的演变 3
cmm201 -数字媒体 & 软件工具 3
CMM 211 -新闻学导论 3
cmm220 -组织沟通 3
社会化媒体:理论 & 实践 3
cmm290 -广播媒体写作入门 3
CMM 300 -纪录片视频 3
cmm305 -数字时代的公共关系 3
cmm311 -数字视频制作 3
CMM 340 -妇女和电影 3
CMM 350 -视频游戏研究 3
cmm410 -为屏幕写作 3
cmm411 -通信法 & 监管 3
CMM 415 -体育报道和写作 3
cmm420 -高级项目 3
WRT 233 -专业技术交流 3
WRT 304 -读取 & 在数字环境中写作. 3
WRT 317 -提案和拨款写作 3
名单B -选修课程 学分
ART 105 -表演的要素 3
ART 106 -二维设计 3
ART 111 -科学插图 3
艺术214 -彩色数码摄影 3
艺术234 -数字动画 3
BUMK 200 -市场营销 3
BUMK 310 -广告 3
ENG 140 -本土电影和文学 3
ENV 321 -环境通信:专家Prac生态 3
150岁:讲述过去的故事 3
HIS 295 -医学和媒体 3
SRM 160 -体育和娱乐管理入门 3


We offer qualified students the option of graduating with Honors. 这包括重要的研究, scholarship or creative activity under the direction of a faculty member. 感兴趣的学生应该咨询他们的指导老师.



Experiential Learning in the Bachelor's Degree 通讯与媒体艺术专业

The 传播与媒体艺术 major emphasizes hands-on, 真实的学习, providing you with experiences that will set you apart from others. At UNE, communications isn’t just about what you say or write; it’s about what you do.


  • Create videos using HD cameras, 照明, 录音设备, and editing tools
  • 开发你自己的剧本
  • 学会使用照片编辑软件
  • Design video games using 3D design software in 全球网络赌博平台创新的创客空间


实习可以让你探索职业选择, 在你的领域获得宝贵的工作经验, 与专业人士建立联系. Intern near campus during the academic year or elsewhere over the summer. 网站包括:

  • 电视台
  • 广播电台
  • 报纸/杂志
  • 非营利组织
  • 小联盟运动队
  • 学院/大学传讯处

For more information email the 学术和职业咨询中心 at advising@somechan.net.


准备在UNE的B开始你的未来.A. 传播与媒体艺术学位课程? 今天就开始吧.



A communications major studies how people communicate in today's digital and interconnected world. Communication and 媒体 arts cover a mix of mass communication skills with social sciences and humanities. 如果你喜欢分享信息, 报道新闻, 讲故事, 或者研究媒体文化, 传媒专业可能会比较合适.

Communication and 媒体 arts provide the foundation for creating messages, 理解观众, 利用新技术, 掌握基本的传播理论. 一个的 文学士(学士.A.)通讯及媒体艺术专业 degree program 在缅因州 cultivates professional and personal communications skills in a supportive, student-focused环境.


A communications degree offers a wide range of job opportunities in marketing, 公共关系, 全球通信, 业务通信, 新闻, 社交媒体, 人力资源, 和更多的. 它涵盖了品牌管理等多个领域, 企业沟通, 政府关系, 媒体, 非营利组织, 和销售. Choosing to major in communications helps you develop essential skills like clear 写 and verbal communication, 领导, 解决问题, 和团队合作.

Job roles that you could find yourself working in as a communications major include:

  • 广告客户经理或客户执行
  • 品牌经理或品牌战略家
  • 文案
  • 数字媒体专员
  • 编辑器
  • 人力资源专员
  • 内部传讯经理
  • 记者(印刷或广播)
  • 营销经理
  • 公共关系专员
  • 社交媒体战略家或总监

全球网络赌博平台B系毕业生.A. 传播与媒体艺术学位课程 have gone on to have careers as filmmakers, 公共关系专业人士, 博客, 记者, 摄影摄像, 市场营销专业, 视频编辑器, 电视演播室经理, 和编剧.

我是全球网络赌博平台传播与媒体艺术专业的学生, you will have the ability to work with our 学术和职业咨询中心. It doesn’t matter if you have a clear career goal or just a general interest in a field.



As of August 2022, the average starting salary for a communications major in the U.S. 在4.5万到5万美元之间,如 Zippia. 按工作分类的常见工资分类 Glassdoor网站*包括:

  • 播音员工资:50,595美元
  • 编辑工资:59,425美元
  • 活动策划人工资:41,179美元
  • 筹款人薪水:44,145美元
  • 人力资源专员工资:46,972美元
  • 立法助理工资:53,409美元
  • 市场经理工资:69,590美元
  • 公共关系专员工资:47,736美元
  • 销售发展代表(SDR)工资:49,179美元
  • 社交媒体经理工资:50,344美元


Communication majors will study a mix of courses centered on oral and 写 communication, 媒体研究, 技术, 以及社会科学. Classes will vary depending on the college or university of choice.

一个B.A. 通讯与媒体艺术专业 program 在缅因州 offers interesting courses covering traditional communication fields like marketing, 公共关系, 全球通信, 新闻, 商务沟通. 另外, 你将在数字媒体制作中获得宝贵的技能, preparing you to connect with modern audiences using various 媒体 platforms.

学生 will complete the 文理学院 (CAS) Core Requirements, 基础和高级必修课程, 必需的选修课, 以及他们选择的传播和媒体艺术方向. 这些选项是:

  • 体育媒体
  • 数字视频制作
  • 报告及公共关系

了解更多全球网络赌博平台UNE的B.A. 通讯及媒体艺术课程


There is a lot of consideration when determining whether or not a degree in communications is worth it. Look at the types of 你会学到的技能 as part of your coursework — both hard skills and soft skills — that you’ll be able to incorporate into your career. 如果你是一个有创造力的人, pursuing a communications major allows you to flex your creative muscles while taking a variety of courses focused on foundational oral and 写 communication skills from 技术 mastery of the tools of the trade to critical thinking.

Read testimonials from UNE 传播与媒体艺术 students


  • You’ll have a skill set that everyone wants in the workplace — the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently with others.
  • Communications positions are not confined to just one field or industry. What you learn in a communication degree program can be applied to various industries, 无论是在公共部门还是私营部门.
  • 在获得传播学学士学位之后, you’ll have the option and flexibility to explore a diverse range of roles.
  • 事业前景看好. U.S. 劳工统计局(BLS)数据 indicates that jobs needing a communications degree are predicted to rise by 6% in a decade.

Which colleges have the best communication degree program for me?

沟通工作是否适合你的职业道路, 首先要选择合适的学位项目. Here’s what you should look for in a communications program.


Identify your priorities in an instructor and learn more about your potential teachers and their professional experience. Discover what kind of professional connections you can make there that will further your career.

一个的 传播与媒体艺术 program boasts small class sizes which offers a closer working relationship with peers and faculty while earning a communications degree 在缅因州.

Meet faculty and professional staff in the 艺术与人文学院


Learn about the types of classes you’ll be taking and the types of internships offered. Ask about things that matter to you including the types of 媒体 you’ll be studying, 你会学到的技能, 现有的技术.

UNE提供B级.A. 通讯与媒体艺术专业. 我们优先考虑实践技能的应用, 通过实践经验和创造获得, 让毕业生在行业中脱颖而出.

Our comprehensive curriculum includes a focus on digital 媒体 production/媒体 writing and marketing/advertising plus broad coverage of the classic communications disciplines. The following are some examples of the exciting courses that students can take in this program:

  • 了解大众传媒
  • 数字视频制作
  • 通信法律法规
  • 市场营销
  • 为银幕写作
  • 跨文化沟通
  • 数字叙事的主题

Unique learning opportunities include creating videos using HD cameras, 照明, 录音设备, and editing tools; developing your own screenplay; learning to use photo editing software and designing video games using 3D design software in 全球网络赌博平台创新的创客空间.

全球网络赌博平台对体验式学习的承诺感到自豪. 实习 allow 传播与媒体艺术 students to explore career options, 在他们的领域获得宝贵的工作经验, 与专业人士建立联系. 网站包括电视台, 广播电台, 报纸/杂志, 非营利组织, 小联盟运动队, 以及学校/大学的通讯办公室.

Learn more about internship opportunities within the 文理学院


Determine if the program offers career advising and qualifies you for a lucrative, 通讯事业的回报.

学生 in UNE's 传播与媒体艺术 program learn traditional disciplines like marketing, 新闻, 和更多的. They also gain highly marketable digital 媒体 production skills, preparing them to connect with modern audiences across various platforms.

一个Bachelor of Arts in Communications 在缅因州 equips graduates with essential oral, 写, 技术, and critical thinking skills for success in both professional and personal spheres. 学生 are fully prepared for entry-level roles in the public or private sector, 以及进一步的研究生学习.

一个提供 职业建议 帮助传媒专业的学生规划他们的下一步. 93% of bachelor’s degree graduates are employed or continuing higher education within six months to one year of graduating.


问问自己,什么样的环境最适合你. Figure out if you want to stay in your state or if you wish to move. See if you will be inspired or challenged by your fellow students and faculty.

一个的 传播与媒体艺术 program is located on our oceanfront Biddeford Campus, an idyllic New England setting for undergraduate study with over 4,000英尺的迷人海岸线. 总的来说,全球网络赌博平台的班级规模很小. We have a 12:1 student-to-teacher ratio and an average class size of 20.


Our 全球 Education Program makes it easy for students to gain valuable international experiences. Our Tangier Campus is a unique facility fostering connections among U.S.摩洛哥人,欧洲人,以及更多的公民. UNE Morocco provides educational and cultural programs to promote international understanding.



Does the school you are considering offer financial aid or scholarships to help you in your education?

全球网络赌博平台的学费非常便宜. Our tuition is 16% below the average tuition for private universities in New England. All incoming full-time undergraduate students at UNE will receive Merit Scholarships in amounts from $5,000 to $22,000元/年.

Learn more about grants and scholarships available to students at UNE

全球网络赌博平台的学生金融服务 包括经济援助办公室和学生账户办公室. Our program maximizes available institutional and federal funds. 想要找到资助你的教育的方法,请联系 sfs@somechan.net 或(207)602-2342,星期一至星期五上午9点.m.–3 p.m. 办公时间.